Lifting At Work Claims

We’ve won £123,195,892 in compensation for our clients since 2010. Get the compensation you deserve by speaking to Russell Worth Solicitors today

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Lifting At Work Claims

Over £90 million compensation recovered for our UK clients – Russell Worth Solicitors

0800 028 2060

Why just lifting something at work is a huge risk…

Nearly a quarter of all work related injury is caused by handling, according to the latest statistics from the Health and Safety Executive.
Handling injuries include lifting things at work, as well as injuries due to carrying, pushing or pulling loads, sprains, strains, trapped fingers and cuts from sharp objects – and the injuries can occur in any workplace environment. You can be injured just as easily in the office as the more obvious example of the factory shopfloor or warehouse.

If this has happened to you, please call us for a free Claim Assessment now on 0800 028 2060 or complete our Online Claim Assessment and we will be pleased to explain your legal rights and options.

“Outstanding client service from start to finish. From the very first time I called Russell Worth I was impressed with their friendly professionalism. I had called a number of the TV advertised compensation lawyers and large firms with impressive websites and received nothing but poor service from what appeared to be over-worked and under-trained staff. I had hesitated to call RWS because they are located at the other end of the country to me, but I’m so glad I made that call. RWS are just the very best at listening, understanding my situation, putting me at ease and coming up quickly with a plan of action that resulted in more compensation than I had expected possible. Actually, the TV advertised legal firms had told me I couldn’t expect any compensation for my injuries. Thanks heavens for RWS!!”


claim calculator buttonSo, next time you lift or handle something at work, pause to consider the risk you are being exposed to:

  • An estimated 909,000 working days were lost last year due to handling injuries
  • 90% of all handling injuries led to an absence from work of more than 7 days.

Statistics are all very well, but we mustn’t lose sight of the misery behind the figures.
The pain from these injuries can be significant, with operations, visits to the doctor or hospital, and ongoing treatment such as physiotherapy all too common for those involved. Then there’s the mounting bills when you can’t work and lose pay, medical costs such as prescription charges and increasing travel charges if you can’t drive – to say nothing of the day to day effects when you can’t pick up your kids from school, pursue your favourite sport or hobby, or go on that holiday you were looking forward to.

Of course, accidents happen at work, but we should be able to go to work happy that our employers will do their best to keep us safe. There are many rules, regulations and laws which employers are required to abide by, all designed to ensure that you are safe at work. These range from restricting the amount you should carry in one lift; or push or pull in one load; to providing proper work equipment to protect your limbs, feet or hands; or just making sure you are properly trained in the first place, with proper ongoing refresher training. Even if you are a casual worker or consider yourself to be self-employed, you may still have the same rights as other workers.

Suffering an injury or illness at work can have serious consequences for you and your family. At Russell Worth, we have helped thousands of people get back on track following an accident at work – helping with claims to repay any lost earnings or future loss of earnings if you have to take time off sick or cannot return to work; pay for private medical treatment to help you to recover; recover compensation for your injury, and seek repayment of
any expenses that you would not have otherwise had to pay, such as the cost of travel to hospital appointments.

Just take as much care as you can when you are working…

Make A Free Lifting Claim Enquiry

Please call us now on 0800 028 2060 or complete our Online Claim Assessment and let us help you.

Excellent. The service was efficient from start to finish and I would not hesitate to recommend Russell Worth Solicitors to anybody who is unfortunate enough to meet with a personal injury that is not their fault.
Hilary Ann