Man who lost fingers in a workplace accident receives a six-figure damage award 2017 saw the conclusion of a high-value workplace compensation case, which had occurred three years earlier. In 2014, the worker had been using a saw, when his hand was pulled back into...
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Have you been injured due to the negligence of another worker?
On 18th January 2016, Fraser Rowland was delivering roof trusses to a site in Northumberland. During his delivery, some of the heavy trusses fell from the lorry directly onto some of the site workers. Paul Rowley, a labourer at the site heroically tried to...
When gravity bites – falling objects in the workplace
The force of gravity is something we all take for granted; but do you know what would happen if it suddenly switched off? According to Jolene Creighton, writing for the website ‘’, everything that is not attached to the earth would literally float...
“Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone”
Those that remember the 1999 Baz Luhrmann song, ‘Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen’, may recall the sage advice it offered; “be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone”. Our hips, knees, and legs take a great deal of impact over our lifetime. Estimates...
Leave the fireworks to the experts – explosions in the workplace
Industrial explosions, and the resulting fire and/or blast damage can be hugely damaging not only to people but also to the ability of a business to continue operation. Any risk of explosion that is not spotted or managed could cause significant and long-term impacts...