For many of us, the risk of being injured by an animal while at work is negligible if not non-existent. But spare a thought to the legions of British workers who are exposed to dangerous animals on a daily basis – postal workers/couriers, vets, farmers workers, social...
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Don’t take the strain in your workplace
Sprains and strains may not sound particularly dramatic in the context of serious injuries in the workplace, but make no mistake, they are a significant cause of disablement, pain, and financial loss. How do sprains and strains differ? Sprains In technical parlance, a...
Delivery drivers are at our beck and call, but at what risk?
Every day, hundreds of thousands of business vehicles span the UK road network to ensure the flow of goods and services. Those that drive for an occupation include delivery drivers, taxis drivers, salespeople, maintenance workers, haulage drivers, bus drivers,...
A clean bill of health for the waste sector? Not exactly
The old saying, “one man's trash is another man's treasure” and “where there’s muck there’s brass” could not sum up the waste sector better. ‘Muck’ is big business. In the year 2015-16, the ‘Big Five’ waste management companies alone generated £4.8bn in revenue, with...
Why working in a commercial kitchen can be a recipe for serious injury
As we all know, avocados are good for us, especially with their high levels of heart-healthy fatty acids and ability to lower bad cholesterol. But did you know that many people end up with an unplanned trip to A&E because of avocados each year? Yes, it transpires...