Expert evidence is vital to personal injury compensation claims. Experts in their field help the court understand technical and/or specialised areas of evidence.A personal injury solicitor needs to give the instruction of an expert witness careful consideration. Not...
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How to Choose a Personal Injury Solicitor
Given the abundance of personal injury company advertising on the TV and radio, you would be excused for thinking that successfully winning financial compensation following an injury is as easy as picking up the phone to the first company that you see. Whilst this...
“The Horror, The Horror” – Claims For Psychiatric Injury For Witnesses To Workplace Accidents
Joseph Conrad’s famous line, “the horror, the horror” from The Heart of Darkness, still has the power to chill readers of the short novel to the bone. Fortunately, most of us will never experience truly shocking events that will scorch their way into our brain and...
Catch Me I’m Falling – Workplace Falls And Compensation Claims
Have you ever had a dream that you were falling? If you have, you will know that even in dreams, the sensation of falling is not pleasant. It is even more frightening if you suffer a serious injury due to a fall at work; and if that fall is caused by circumstances...
What is the Difference Between General Damages and Special Damages?
If you have been injured as a result of another person, organisation or public body's negligence, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. The compensation the court awards you if your claim is successful is referred to as ‘damages.' Damages are...