Suffering a back injury can be intensely painful and frustrating. The frustration is often a result of not being able to physically do the things you used to do, such as walking long distances, lifting objects, running, or even sitting comfortably for long periods of...
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No win, no fee does not mean free
The large majority of personal injury claims are funded by a conditional fee agreement, commonly called a “no win, no fee” arrangement. It is important to be aware that this does not mean your case will be “free” should your claim be unsuccessful. This article looks...
No pain, no gain – compensation claims for dangerous sports injuries
The highly competitive, physically demanding, adrenalin fuelled world of sport attracts large numbers of willing participants putting their minds, bodies and spirits on the line for the enjoyment of the game. Participation in any sport, at any level carries with it a...
Keep calm & helmet on Cycle helmets, accidents and compensation claims
At present, there is no English law compelling cyclists of any age to wear a helmet when cycling, even though the Highway Code suggests that cyclists should wear a helmet that “conforms to current regulations, is the correct size and securely fastened.” “Use your head...
Is your workplace a safe place?
If you have been injured as a result of an accident in the workplace which was not your fault, you may be entitled to claim compensation for personal injury. This article looks at the latest figures (relating to the year 2015-2016) published by the Health and Safety...