Whilst employed as a Yard Manager, N was sorting through a skip when he cut his finger on the edge of a sharp ceramic bowl. N sustained a nasty laceration to his finger which went through to the tendon. Upon attendance at hospital N was given a local anaesthetic so a...
Employer Liability
Employer Liability
Nasty injury sustained when milking cow
In January 2015, E spoke to Russell Worth regarding an injury she had sustained at work through no fault of her own. At the time of the accident E was working as a relief milker when the cow she was working with kicked out and crushed her finger between its hoof and a...
Cleaning fluid leaves client with partial thickness burns
SP came to Russell Worth in February 2015 having suffered with partial thickness burns to both his knees. SP was working at HMP Portland when he sustained his injuries due to kneeling on the floor for approximately 60 minutes using alkali cleaning fluid which soaked...
Trip on pump truck at work leaves client with broken wrist
On 16th March 2015, whilst at work, C tripped over a pump truck which had been left by a colleague in the path of the exit. C sustained a break to her wrist which left her in pain and unable to work for 10 weeks during which she sustained loss of earnings. C contacted...
Accidents at work leads to painful back injury
In October 2014, R was injured at work whilst employed as a work surface fitter. When moving a heavy marble surface, the box containing the marble collapsed and R injured his back. The company R worked for at the time denied responsibility for the accident saying...
£2,500 for work accident following cut on some glass
Mr AN was injured at work when he knelt on some glass left at the back of a truck. He suffered a bad cut and scarring, and accepted an offer of £2500 to compensate him for his injury and other smaller losses. He was very happy with the service provided. Free Claim...
£2,000 for head injury following accident at work
Miss R was working as a food server, and was cleaning in the kitchen when a metal pole fell and hit her on the head, causing concussion, bruising, dizziness and headaches. Liability was admitted, and Miss R accepted an offer of £2000 to cover her injury, loss of...
£4,070 for shoulder and back injury sustained in a slip and trip in work
Miss C was working as a Night Shift Manager for a leading food retailer, when she slipped on a wet floor in the toilets. She injured her back and right shoulder. Liability was admitted, and Miss C accepted an offer of £4070 to cover her injury compensation,...
£10,000 awarded following slip in work accident
In December 2011, Mr C was unloading pallets of clotted cream whilst at work, when he slipped on the slippery floor of a freezer. He suffered a broken left wrist. Although liability was accepted by his employers, it was necessary to issue court proceedings to secure...
£4,000 awarded following injury to left knee and time off work due to slip
Mr O is employed as a bus driver, and was injured at his place of work when he slipped on water which had accumulated as the result of a leaking roof. He sustained injury to his left knee, needing 6 sessions of physiotherapy, and was unable to work for 4 weeks. He...