George Osborne has recently announced a proposal for the small claims track limit for personal injury claims to be increased from £1,000 to £5,000. This will restrict access to justice for thousands of people, will put firms of solicitors out of business and lead to unemployment in the legal sector. How is that so?
Claims dealt with in the small claims track do not provide for payment of legal fees and therefore it is not financially viable for solicitors to deal with these claims. A large amount of injuries dealt with by personal injury solicitors are valued under £5,000 which means under the new proposed changes clients would not be able to obtain legal representation and be left to fend for themselves. There is the very real possibility that injured clients will be under compensated by defendants, if indeed they are compensated at all.
What can you do to help prevent this happening?
Please sign this petition to keep the small claims track for personal injury claims at £1,000 to ensure access to justice for the public and ensure that thousands of solicitors, barristers and Judges are not made redundant.
The petition currently stands at over 16,000 signatures and at 100,000 this petition will be considered for debate in Parliament.
Thank you for reading this message and for your valued support.